Frequently Asked Questions

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By Department Finance

Multi-Jurisdictional License: What is a multi-jurisdictional business license?
A multi-jurisdictional business license is a license issued by a primary jurisdiction (Henderson, Las Vegas, North Las V... (more)

Business License: How long is a license good for?
All licenses, except for gaming business licenses, issued by the City of Henderson are valid for six months and are rene... (more)

Business License Renewal: Will the City notify me when it is time to renew my license?
Yes, by mail only. However, it is your responsibility to renew the business license on time even if the courtesy reminde... (more)

Local Improvement District Bill: How do I pay or get information about my Local Improvement District (LID) ...
In an effort to more efficiently provide Local Improvement District (LID) information and improve the efficiency of proc... (more)

Ambulance Bills:How can I pay my ambulance bill?
* Please reference the following on our webpage Fire and EMSRecords Requests | Henderson, NV... (more)

Business License: Who is required to have a license?
Any person who conducts business within the City or based in the City must obtain a business license on or before the da... (more)

Alcohol at Special Events: Can I sell or serve alcohol at a special event?
Any public event using any public street or right of way requires a special events permit. Applications for special even... (more)

Contractor's License: How do I obtain a contractor's license?
Contractors must obtain a license from the Nevada State C... (more)

L.I.D.: LID special assessment billing, payment and general questions
All LID questions can be answered by contacting Assessment Management Group (AMG) at 796-0082 or visiting the ... (more)

Multi-jurisdictional License: Am I eligible for multi-jurisdictional license?
Only if you are a contractor registered with the Nevada S... (more)

Business Location Restrictions: Are there any restrictions on where I do business?
Every business must meet zoning requirements to ensure that the business activity and site are compatible. It is strongl... (more)

Sales Tax: When do I need a sales tax permit?
Every business operating in the State of Nevada requires a Sales Tax or Use Tax Permit, or exemption, issued by the Stat... (more)

Business License: How much does a business license cost?
There are nearly 100 license classifications and the license fee is based upon the classification. In order to determine... (more)

Business License: How do I get a duplicate copy of my business license or renewal notice?
Please have your City of Henderson Business License number ready and contact the Business License office at (702)267-173... (more)

Apply Online: Can I apply online?
Yes, you may apply ... (more)

Contractor Bidding: Who should a contractor contact for bid information and opportunities?
Contractors can access automatic bid notification and ... (more)

Business License:How can I obtain a copy of a public Business License record?
To obtain a copy of a public Business License record, contact the Business License office at 702-267-1730. A License Tec... (more)

Property Taxes: Can I pay my property taxes here? If not, where do I need to go?
Property taxes can be paid at the Clark County Office of the County Treasurer. The Treasurer's office is located at 500... (more)

Who should a contractor contact for bid information and opportunities?:
Contractors can access automatic bid notification and ... (more)

Food Sales: What about selling food as part of my business activity?
If you will be selling or preparing food, you will need to apply for a health permit from the Southern Nevada Health Dis... (more)

Filing a Concern: How do I file a concern about a business that is operating in the City of Henderson?
A concern about a business that is operating in the City of Henderson must be made in writing using the Business License... (more)

Business License: What is a business license?
A business license is a fee for doing business within the incorporated area of the City of Henderson. Henderson Municipa... (more)

D.B.A./Fictitious Firm Name: Do I need a D.B.A. (Doing Business As) or Fictitious Firm Name?
If your business name is anything other than your legal given name, you will need to file a Fictitious Firm Name form wi... (more)

Business License Fees: Can I pay my business license fees online?
Yes. Most business license types can be paid online immediately. There are only a few specific exceptions, such as room ... (more)

Move a Business: What if I want to move the business to another location within the City?
Always check with the City's Community Development and Services Department to verify that the new location is zoned prop... (more)

Close a Business: What if want to close or sell the business?
If you choose to close or sell your business, please notify us in writing so that we may cancel your license(s). Be sure... (more)

Business License: I conduct business in several cities. Can I get just one license to do business in ALL of...
If you qualify for multi-jurisdictional business license, yes. Otherwise, no. Each city has its own business license req... (more)

Business License: How can I obtain copies of business license and compliance records if I'm part of an Inte...
If you are representing a government agency and wish to obtain copies of Business License and Compliance records, please... (more)

Business License: I'm a contractor conducting business in the City of Henderson. However, my office is loca...
If your location is in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas or unincorporated Clark County you will license with that jurisdiction... (more)

Business License Types: What if I don't know what type of business license to apply for?
If you do not know what license classification to apply for, please contact the Business License office at (702)267-1730... (more)

City Revenue: Where does the City's money come from?
50.2% of the revenue from the City's General Governmental fund comes from Intergovernmental Resources (the city's portio... (more)

Business License: What is the definition of business?
"Business" means any commercial enterprise, trade, occupation, calling, profession, vocation or activity engaged in, con... (more)

Smoking Regulations: Who do I need to speak to about smoking regulations for my business?
On November 7, 2006, Question 5, the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act (NCIAA), was passed by a majority of Nevada voters. The... (more)

Business License: Am I required to have a state business license?
Yes, the business has to be registered with the Secretary of State and must be in "active" status at the time an applica... (more)

Business License: I have reconstructed/reorganized the business. What do I need to do?
You must notify our office whenever you change your address, phone number, business activity or ownership. We will be ha... (more)

Business License Fees: Why must I pay a fee to do business in the City of Henderson?
The fee imposed by the City of Henderson is solely for the purpose of obtaining general revenue. Business fees help pay ... (more)

Business License Fee Payments: If I pay by check in the mail, who do I make the check payable to?
If you pay by check, please make the check payable to "City of Henderson."... (more)

Independent Contractor: I am paid on a "1099" basis. Do I need a business license?
Yes. If you are not paid as an employee, you are considered independent or self-employed and you are required to have a ... (more)

Business License: Do state licensed contractors need a business license too?
Yes, any person licensed as a contractor by the Nevada State Contractor's Board must obtain a business license. If based... (more)

Business Locations: What if I have more than one business or more than one location?
Separate licenses must be obtained for each and every class and type of business specified in the Henderson Municipal Co... (more)

Business Locations: I have multiple locations for my business. What is expected?
Each location for the business must have a City business license. A City business license must be obtained for each and ... (more)

Application Methods: How may I submit my application?
You may apply in person for all license types, or ... (more)

Business License: What are the Business Licensing hours of operation?
We are open Monday through Thursday from 8:00am - 4:30pm. We will not accept applications after 4:30pm. If you have furt... (more)

Parades/Procession: What do I do if I want to hold a special event such as a parade, procession or other pu...
Any public event using any public street or right of way requires a special events permit. Applications for special even... (more)

Temporary Business: I want to conduct business on a temporary basis. What do I need to do?
Only certain classifications of business licenses qualify for a Temporary Sales Permit. For more information, please con... (more)

City Expenditures: Where does the City spend it's money?
50.1% of the City's GeneralFund expenses are devoted to Public Safety, followed by general government, Culture & Recreat... (more)

Business License Late Payment: What happens if I pay late?
If payment is not received in the Business License office on or before the due date, a 10% penalty will be assess... (more)

City's Budget: How can I get a copy of the City's budget or Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)?
The City's budget and other publica... (more)

Business License: I just purchased this business. Can I use the business license from the previous owner?
No. A business license is issued to a particular person, firm or corporation at a particular location and may not be use... (more)