Street Sweeping Schedule: What is the street sweeping schedule?
- ... (more)
- Currently, there is no set street sweeper schedule.
This is due to the limited resources of equipment and manpower we currently
have. Each COH street sweeper, however, is required to cover their entire
designated area once a month. Due to unforeseen circumstances, they might be
dispatched to clean up after vehicle accidents, or incidences that also require
immediate clean-up, such as oil spills, debris in the roadway, broken glass,
etc. that would pull them away from their sweeping routine. Maintenance factors
on the sweepers also limit the ability to provide a set sweeping schedule. It
is possible, however, to request specific street clean-up for our residents
when needed by calling the Public Works Support Services Division's direct
number at (702) 267-3259.
Broken Concrete: How do I report a broken concrete curb or sidewalk or cracked asphalt in the street?
- Submit your concern below. If you need further assistance, call Support Services at 702-267-3259.... (more)
- Submit your concern below. If you need further assistance, call Support Services at 702-267-3259.
Potholes: How do I report potholes or other pavement repair issues?
- Submit your concern below. If you need further assistance, call Support Services at 702-267-3259. ... (more)
- Submit your concern below. If you need further assistance, call Support Services at 702-267-3259.
Street Sweeping: How do I report that a street needs to be swept?
- Submit your concern below. If you need further assistance, call Support Services at 702-267-3259. ... (more)
- Submit your concern below. If you need further assistance, call Support Services at 702-267-3259.
Road Pavement Maintenance:Who's in charge of road pavement maintenance issues?
- The Engineering division is in charge of the crack sealing and slurry sealing of city streets.The Quality Contro... (more)
- The Engineering division is in charge of the crack sealing and slurry sealing of city streets.
The Quality Control division is in charge of contractors working on city streets.
The Department of Utility Services is in charge of completing water line repair work zones in the city street with permanent asphalt patch repairs.
The Streets Maintenance division is in charge of pothole repairs and patch repairing degraded/damaged locations of asphalt in city streets. (FAQ9655)
Debris/Trash: How do I report excessive debris or trash along City roadways or dumped items on City Property?
- It depends which street the debris or trash is located.... (more)
- It depends which street the debris or trash is located.
If it is on a state highway such as I-515, St. Rose Parkway, Boulder Highway, Lake Mead or Sunset Road between the freeway and Boulder Highway, call the State of Nevada Department of Transportation at 702-385-6500, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m or email them at info@dot.nv.gov. For public city streets, contact Support Services Street Maintenance during normal working hours at 702-267-3259.
If it is after work hours and the debris or item in the street is causing a situation requiring immediate attention, call 311.
Shopping Carts: Who can I call to report an abandoned shopping cart left on a city street or sidewalk?
- To report an abandoned shopping cart, call 702-267-3259 or submit a case through Contact Henderson.... (more)
- To report an abandoned shopping cart, call 702-267-3259 or submit a case through Contact Henderson.
Crack Seal/Slurry Project: How do I obtain information about a crack seal/slurry project?
- Please submit your concern below. If you need further assistance, please call Quality Control at (702) 267-3100.... (more)
- Please submit your concern below. If you need further assistance, please call Quality Control at (702) 267-3100.