Frequently Asked Questions

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Business Impact Statement: How do I submit a business impact statement petition?

Nevada Revised Statutes 237 requires a municipality to perform an analysis of the impact and prepare for record a business impact statement when considering a new ordinance, or amending an old ordinance, which is likely to impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business. The analysis requires, in part, sending copies of the proposed ordinance amendment to specifically affected businesses, to trade unions, to the Chamber of Commerce, in such a way as to give notice to the businesses that might be affected.

If a business believes that (1) the City failed to prepare a business impact statement as required pursuant to NRS 237 or (2) the business impact statement prepared by the City did not consider or significantly underestimated the economic effect of the ordinance on the particular business, the business may object to all or a part of the ordinance by filing a written petition with the City Clerk within thirty (30) calendar days following approval of the subject ordinance by the City Council. There are no additional grounds upon which a business may object to an ordinance under this Chapter.

Business Impact Statement Petition