Frequently Asked Questions

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Block grants: What is a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and how can I apply?

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The program provides funding to expand economic opportunities, ensure decent housing, and provide a suitable living environment for citizens. The City of Henderson (City) receives approximately 1.4 million annually from HUD to promote these activities.

Funding for public service activities is limited to 15% of the annual award and the remainder is used for public improvement projects. Each year the City issues a Request for Application in October for the delivery of programs and activities that align with the CDBG program requirements and the City’s strategic goals. Application are due in November and grant awards are funded the following July. Nonprofit organizations with activities that principally benefit low/moderate income persons are eligible to apply.

Starting in program year 2021, the City of Henderson implemented a new biennial competitive application process. Funding distribution will continue on an annual basis; however, the competitive application process will only occur once every two years. This new cycle offers applicants more predictability to plan program activities over a two-year period and provides an extended period to achieve the City’s Consolidated Plan priorities.

 You can visit the Neighborhood Services Grants webpage and CDBG information or call 702-267-1500 for more information.