Frequently Asked Questions

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Passport: What do I need when applying for a passport?

The Office of the City Clerk offers a full service Passport Application Acceptance Program. We accept passport applications Monday-Thursday, Doors open at 7:30 am - 5:00 pm.

  • To apply for a U.S. passport book or card, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen either by birth or naturalization.

  • Applicants need to submit 1.) an original or certified copy of proof of citizenship and 2.) a copy of that citizenship along with their completed passport application.

  • Applicants must provide a passport picture for every application, and show valid photo identification. Passport photo service is available at the Office of the City Clerk.

  • All applications for children under age 16 require both parents or legal guardians consent. The minor MUST appear in person.

  • For security reasons, parental consent may be requested for children ages 16 or 17. If a child does not have identification of his/her own, a parent needs to accompany their child, present identification, and co-sign the application. The minor MUST appear in person.

  • You will need to appear in person, if applying for a U.S. passport book for the first time; if your expired U.S. passport is not in your possession; if your previous U.S. passport has expired and was issued more than 15 years ago; if your previous U.S. passport was issued when you were under age 16; or if your currently valid U.S. passport has been lost or stolen.

  • For additional information regarding passport application services in the Office of the City Clerk, please contact us at 702-267-1418 or email

    For other passport and travel information please visit the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs at: Travel.State.Gov
