Frequently Asked Questions

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By Topic: Court

What is the procedure for evictions?
You may hire an attorney or file an eviction by yourself. Paperwork can be obtained at the Rochester Housing Council:... (more)

How is my point total calculated?
If you are convicted of a violation that occurred while your car was moving (e.g. speeding, failing to stop for a red li... (more)

When and how can I make a payment for a parking violation?
We are available for payments Monday thru Friday, 9am-5pm at the Greece Town Court, 4 Vince Tofany Blvd, Greece, NY 1461... (more)

How can I get an order of protection issued?
You must have a criminal complaint filed in order for the Judge to issue an order of protection. Please go to the Greece... (more)

When is my court date?
Please contact our office at 585-227-3110.... (more)

What is the range of costs of Greece Parking Violations?
Greece Parking Violation fines vary from $20.00 to $80.00, as long as the fines are paid within 15 days. Additional Pena... (more)

What if I have a question about a parking violation?
For information pertaining to all Parking Violations you may call 227-3110 X2.... (more)

What happens if I fail to follow the rules of the Winter Parking Ordinance?
Fines range from $25-$100... (more)

What is a surcharge?
Mandatory surcharges and crime victim fees are required Vehicle Traffic Law Section 1809 for convictions under the vehic... (more)

What are the penalties for driving without insurance?
Please be advised that the DMV will revoke your license for at least one year if found guilty.The minimum fine f... (more)

I can't make my court date, what do I do?
Please contact your attorney, do not call the court. If you do not have an attorney, you must have a valid excuse. Pleas... (more)

How do I contest a parking violation?
To contest a Parking Violation, you may contact the Court at 227-3110 X2 to request a court date.... (more)

How do I pay my traffic fine?
You will be expected to send the fine to the court within 21 business days by bank draft or money order payable to Greec... (more)

If I post bail, when can I get it back?
1. After your case is disposed of.2. After you have successfully completed your community service.3. After... (more)

What if I don't pay my parking ticket?
Parking Violations that are unpaid are forwarded to a collection agency.... (more)

Do I need an attorney for a traffic infraction?
Whether or not you need an attorney to handle your traffic infraction is a personal decision that only you can make. If ... (more)

Are handicap parking violations dismissible?
Handicap Parking Violations are dismissible as long as you can provide proof of a valid Handicap Permit at the time said... (more)

What is a driver assessment fee?
Please visit the DMV web site, for more information about this law.... (more)