Frequently Asked Questions

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Turf Conversion: The city is removing grass and trees in the parks. Will my park be affected? 

State law AB356 requires local governments to remove useless grass (nonfunctional turf) from our Parks. Working with SNWA, staff has identified multiple areas throughout our parks to remove useless turf along our park streetscapes, buildings, and common areas. Unfortunately, trees will be impacted by the removal of turf in our parks. As part of our turf removal process, we complete a site analysis to determine the health and viability of the trees and their likely effect of diminished water. Those deemed in poor health or unlikely to survive with less water are removed. We make every effort to replant removed trees within our community to ensure Henderson's tree canopy continues to grow.


For more information about Henderson's water conservation efforts and how you can do your part, please visit:

Water Conservation


To see a list of all park turf conversions, please visit:

Turf Conversions
