Frequently Asked Questions

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City of Henderson Residential Landscape Rebate Program

The City of Henderson is partnering with SNWA on the Water Smart Landscapes Rebate. The City of Henderson is supplementing the SNWA rebate programs for customers in Henderson converting functional turf on their property.

A)   Customer Eligibility

  • Supplement will only be approved for single-family residential parcels located within the City of Henderson boundaries that are removing functional turf not subject to Assembly Bill 356. Areas to be converted must be serviced by the City of Henderson, and the applicant's utility account(s) must be in good standing.

B) Project Size

  • The conversion area must be deemed functional turf and a minimum of 400 square feet. Maximum project rebate amount of $575.

C) Authorization to Proceed

  • Before removing any turf, customer must have applied and been approved for the SNWA Water Smart Landscapes program. 
  • The customer will upload both documents to the Contact Henderson case:
    • The approval Email from SNWA permitting the conversion to begin
    • Upon turf conversion completion, the complete Notarized Easement containing the post-conversion square footage measurement

D) Landscape Material Restrictions

  •  Per HMC 14.14.050.B, once turf is removed, it is prohibited to re-install.

E) Rebate Amounts and Limits

  • Subject to available funding and satisfaction of program terms and conditions, the City of Henderson will rebate for Single-Family Residential Functional Turf Removal: a maximum of $575 and a 400 square footage minimum turf conversion. To receive the rebate check, turf conversion, and measurements must have been confirmed by SNWA.

F) Important Deadlines and Restrictions

  • Project conversion must be completed within twelve (12) months from application acceptance. The customer is to submit approval that the conversion has been completed.
  • Conversion is to be completed in a single phase.
  • Customers are limited to one conversion per calendar year.
  • Rebate payments may be considered taxable income, and customers may receive a 1099 if total payments by the City of Henderson for rebates and other taxable transactions exceed reportable limits.

What is functional turf?

An irrigated grass area that provides a recreational benefit to the community and is:

  • Located at least 10 feet from a street, installed on slopes less than 25 percent, and not installed within street medians, along streetscapes, or at the front of entryways to parks, commercial sites, neighborhoods, or subdivisions.
  • Active/programmed recreation turf, athletic fields, designated-use-area turf, golf course play areas, some pet relief turf, playground turf, or resident area turf.
  • Located on a Single Family Residential Property.

How do I know if I have been approved for the rebate? Upon review of your application, you will receive an email response with your application status.

When will I receive the rebate check? After the conversion has been completed and SNWA has received your signed Conservation Easement.  Please upload the Notarized Easement to your Contact Henderson case to notify the City of Henderson of your turf conversion completion.  At this point, the City of Henderson will send you an email letting you know that the check is being processed and a mail-out date.

What are the terms and conditions of the program?

Program Terms and Conditions

Will drought-tolerant plants be required? In order to receive the City of Henderson Water Efficiency in Landscapes and Technologies Rebate, the SNWA rebate program terms and conditions must be followed. Please visit the SNWA website at in order to see what plants can be used in the water-smart landscape.

If you are interested in this program, please apply with SNWA and then submit a request or question at the link below.
