Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Teen Zone?

The Teen Zone is the library space dedicated to collections and programs for those in grades 6 through 12 (typically ages 11/12 through 18) to support reading, relaxation, and research needs.

Who can use the Teen Zone?

Library users of all ages are welcome to browse the Teen Zone collections and borrow materials.

Seating in the Teen Zone octagon area is reserved exclusively for teens and those accompanying them.

Why is the seating reserved for teens?

The Library limits seating to teens and those accompanying them in order to provide a comfortable environment to gather, learn and utilize library resources. This reinforces that the Library values teens and wants them to have a comfortable place to work and gather.

I’m an adult tutor working with a teenager. Can we work in the Teen Zone?

Yes, as long as you are working alongside a teen.

Where can I find information on library programs for Teens?

Information on all library programs can be found in the Library Calendar. You can filter by audience to see only the events for teens.


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