Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I conduct business with the Social Services Agency?

The Social Services Agency (SSA) Purchasing Section is authorized to do business with vendors/suppliers on behalf of all SSA divisions. SSA divisions require various commodities or services to be purchased to fulfill their operational needs. SSA Purchasing conducts business in accordance with the County of Orange Purchasing Policy and Procedures and the County of Orange Risk Management requirements under the supervision and control of the Board of Supervisors. In addition, each County Agency has implemented internal procedures specific to the nature of their respective operations.

Vendors/suppliers may conduct business with the Social Services Agency by responding to various solicitations, such as Requests for Quotes (RFQ), Invitations for Bids (IFB), or Requests for Proposals (RFP). An evaluation process follows a solicitation process. Once the evaluation is finalized, an award is made and a purchasing document/contract is executed. Vendors/suppliers shall receive such document/contract from SSA Purchasing prior to making a delivery or providing a service. Per Contract Overruns Board Policy, adopted in January 2005, unless this process is followed, SSA makes no guarantee that vendors/suppliers will be reimbursed for their goods/services. Vendors/suppliers shall register on-line with the County of Orange via Internet in order to be notified of a solicitation.


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