Frequently Asked Questions

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What are some things that I can do to manage my stress as a Caregiver?

When you are a caregiver, it is important to find time to take care of yourself. You owe it to yourself to find time for you. Without it, you may not have the mental or physical strength to deal with all of the demands and responsibilities of caregiving. Such things as: incorporating activities that you enjoy into your routine, getting proper nutrition, exercising, joining a support group, relying on family and friends, and even laughing from time to time can make caregiving easier. You can request a Caregiver Packet from the Office on Aging where you will find helpful tips for caregivers, resources and programs that offer support, as well opportunities for respite. The Caregiver Packet also includes some important health and nutrition information for keeping yourself healthy. For more information, please call (800) 510-2020.


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