Frequently Asked Questions

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What should I bring when applying for cash assistance?

On the day you apply for CalWORKs assistance, you will be asked to complete some forms and to listen to an explanation of your rights and responsibilities. You will also be given an appointment to return within one working day to see a Social Worker and complete the application process. To expedite the process, you are advised to bring the following items with you, as applicable:

  • Identification (Driver's License or California Identification Card)

  • Social Security Card or verification that all family members have applied for Social Security Numbers/Cards

  • Verification of rent and utilities

  • The most current statements of Bank Accounts and any other resources

  • Proof from U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS, formerly INS) of Permanent Resident Alien Status, if applicable

  • Immunization records for each family member

  • Verification of income, wages, and Social Security Benefits for each family member

  • A copy of your vehicle registration for each vehicle owned by the family


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