Frequently Asked Questions

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What is elder and dependent adult abuse?

The abuse of elders and dependent adults occurs at all income levels and in every city in Orange County. An elder is defined as a person age 65 years or older. A dependent adult is defined as a person between the ages of 18 and 64 years who exhibits physical, mental, and/or developmental disabilities. Abuse is often divided into four main categories: physical abuse; neglect; psychological or emotional abuse; and, financial abuse. Other types of abuse may include isolation, abandonment, and abduction. Over 225,000 Californians become victims of elder or dependent abuse each year but experts believe the problem to be much larger. The full scope of elder and dependent abuse is unknown due to the problem's hidden and complex nature. Victims often remain silent because they fear retaliation from their abusers. Many times victims remain unnoticed and untreated because they are isolated. Individuals are most often the victims of multiple kinds of abuse. Self-neglect can also be detrimental to an individual's well being and should be reported. To report self-neglect, elder, or dependent abuse, please call Orange County Adult Protective Services' 24-hour hotline: (800) 451-5155. All callers are protected by strict confidentiality.


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