Frequently Asked Questions

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What is InfoVan?

As part of an outreach program to ethnically diverse communities, the Office on Aging utilizes an InfoVan. The van serves as an information hub to increase awareness of and access to programs and services in underserved communities. The InfoVan is a traveling van with community outreach materials about programs and services available for older adults and their caregivers. The InfoVan provides pamphlets on information such as senior housing, legal advocacy, caregiver assistance and more in multiple languages. The van helps bring a wealth of resources to seniors who are isolated, or are not mobile. The van is scheduled to be at various events and locations around Orange County. You can view the InfoVan calendar by visiting the Calendar of Events section of the Office on Aging's web site. To learn more about the InfoVan, or to schedule an InfoVan to visit your community event, please call (800) 510-2020.


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