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What is the Child Abuse Reporting Act?

While everyone should report suspected child abuse, The California Penal Code provides that certain professionals and laypersons who have a special working relationship or contact with children are legally required or mandated to report suspected child abuse to the proper authorities. The law states that these professionals and laypersons shall report known or suspected child abuse to a child protective agency immediately, or as soon as practically possible, by telephone and shall prepare and send a written report thereof within 36 hours of receiving the information concerning the incident. California Penal Code 11172, subdivision (e), gives mandated reporters who report suspected cases of child abuse absolute immunity, both civilly and criminally, for making such reports. However, any person who is legally mandated to report suspected child abuse but who fails to report an instance of child abuse as required by the Child Abuse Reporting Act is guilty of a misdemeanor with a punishment not to exceed six months in jail or a $1,000 fine or both.

For Mandated Reporters who suspect child abuse or neglect, your call is required by law (PC 11166)


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