Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Senior Santa & Friends Program?

The Senior Santa & Friends Program provides gifts and special request items to vulnerable elderly and disabled clients of the Orange County Social Services or Health Care Agencies. Often, these individuals are isolated from their families and communities due to distance, poor health, mental or physical disabilities, or the absence of any living family members. The Senior Santa & Friends Program seeks to reassure these clients that they are not forgotten, while at the same time, providing them with items they need or items that might help enhance one's quality of life by making life easier or more comfortable or perhaps enabling someone to remain independent.

Last year, Senior Santa & Friends served over 1,600 individuals. This was largely due to the efforts of volunteers and donations received from County employees, private companies, community based organizations, local churches, and private individuals. You, too, can make a difference to someone in your community by volunteering or donating to Senior Santa & Friends - to find out how, please call (714) 825-3111 for more information.


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