What is Operation Santa Claus?Operation Santa Claus provides gifts and toys to Orange County children in need, including: children whom have been abandoned, neglected, and/or abused; children in transition; children whom are physically or mentally challenged; children who are homeless; and, children in foster care or group homes. Authorized by the Board of Supervisors, Operation Santa Claus is the county's only official, county-sponsored, holiday toy drive. Operation Santa Claus distributes over 58,000 gifts annually and receives assistance with toy collections and distribution through the collaborative efforts of Orange County employees, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve's Toys-for-Tots Program, community based organizations, local schools and churches, and private companies and individuals. Operation Santa Clause is coordinated and maintained by the Orange County Social Services Agency, working with other County agencies and departments, including, the Orange County Sheriff's Department, the Orange County Fire Authority's "Spark of Love Program," the Health Care Agency, the Probation Department, Housing and Community Services, Child Support Services, and Orange County Libraries, to name a few. Over 350 volunteers from county agencies and the community have been the backbone of Operation Santa Claus since its inception. What originally began as a small attempt to meet the needs of a handful of children in 1962 has become a major event for the community. Each year residents continue to selflessly donate gifts and cash contributions to Operation Santa Claus at pickup sites throughout the county. To see how you, too, can make a difference in the life of a child by volunteering or contributing to Operation Santa Claus, please call (714) 825-3159, to receive more information, or visit our website at http://www.ssa.ocgov.com/Be_A_Volunteer/Operation_Santa_Claus/default.asp. (FAQ2238)