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What are some tips for safe wood burning?

Some Hints on Safe Wood Burning

Regular (at least annual) cleaning of the appliance and flue is necessary. Inspection should be made at the time of entire assembly to assure that all components are in working order.
Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting lid outside, away from combustible materials. Do not store ashes in a garage.
Combustible decorative materials such as draperies and art work should be kept at a safe distance from the unit and chimney.
Store wood and kindling intended for the appliance a safe distance from the appliance.
Don’t subject your masonry fireplace to a high heat fire until the masonry mass has had an opportunity to warm thoroughly.
Provide a non-combustible childproof barrier in front of every appliance to prevent contact burns.
At least once each day, wood stoves should be permitted to run hot for approximately fifteen minutes. This practice removes small amounts of creosote.
If using chemical cleaners, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for frequency and amount of use. Most cleaners contain sulfur derivatives that when combined with moisture, form sulfurous or sulfuric acid. Overexposure to these compounds could reduce chimney life.


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